On this page you will find dynamic charts and tables showing the price of palladium (in Canadian dollars) over various periods of time. At the bottom of this page, you can generate a custom palladium price chart based on your own timeframe, and we answer your main FAQs.
*NOTICE: The spot pricing feature is currently being updated, please check back soon to view palladium spot pricing over various time periods. Thank you.
Palladium Price Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The palladium price in Canada is determined by the market forces of supply and demand. Mining activities and new field discoveries influence supply. The main factor influencing demand is industrial use. Commercial and investor interest still play a roll, but it is much smaller than gold.
The price of palladium is quoted on various exchanges and updates continuously throughout the day.
The spot price of palladium is quoted by various market players across several exchanges. The most important ones are in New York and London.
Under socioeconomic events high rates of inflation, social unrest, or stock market crises can all influence the price of Palladium. While geopolitical factors include war, trade sanctions, or natural disasters.
Palladium prices are quoted in ounces, to get palladium price in a unit of the metric system you can use an online converter.
The price of palladium is always quoted in US dollars, to get the palladium price in Canadian dollars you have to multiply the price of palladium by the USD/CAD exchange rate.
Spot price refers to the palladium price for immediate delivery. This aspect contrasts with the futures price of palladium, which has a delivery date set in the future.

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